Birthday sweet treats! |
It's my 28th birthday today! Wes knows me too well; he came home from work yesterday with some of my favorite treats. I have a ridiculous sweet tooth and have loved DOTS candy since I can remember. My ultimate indulgence, though, are cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting. Mmmm! I barely looked at Wes when he walked in the door with such goodies.
But really I feel so loved and supported everyday by my family and friends that cards and gifts and things are an afterthought today. I've learned a couple things in my 28 years:
1) Family and friends are the most important things in life. Our society is obsessed with individuality and getting things for yourself and living in your own little isolated unit away from your extended family. But I think real happiness comes from being connected with the people you love, helping eachother out and working in ways that benefit your community.
2) Growing up is scary. It's awesome but strange being a parent and developing a serious career. Even though I don't miss the aimlessness of my early twenties, it's kind of scary having to put down roots.
3) It's not important what other people think of you. People say this all the time but it's sooo hard to practice. It's not too common for women my age to be stay at home mothers. I've had so many doubts and insecurities about what I will do when Seeley's older, I wonder if people think I'm lazy, blah, blah, blah. But this arrangement really does work for Wes and I, so I just hold on to that.
4) I have an amazing life. I have the best family, the best friends, live in the coolest city and am proud of who I am. How'd I get so lucky!