I'm a little late doing a post about the new year, but I figure better late than never. I am definitely one of those people that gets super excited about the new year and the idea of a "fresh start" that it brings. I love that we can create new goals and actually think that we're going to be superhuman enough to achieve all of them to absolute perfection. That said, I have a list of resolutions to share :) Twenty twelve was the craziest; year of my life and though I loved it and hope for another year of such incredible growth and love, I hope 2013 is a little calmer :) Here are my resolutions, we'll see how it goes!
Control my anxiety. Most of you who know me know I deal with anxiety that can be quite bad at times. I talk openly about it because I don't think it's anything to be ashamed of. I know a lot of people think having difficulty with anxiety or depression or any mental issue is a sign of weakness, but that's just not true. Anyways, I haven't had any issues in a long time but then it pops up like it always does. I woke up one morning and everything just felt...overwhelming. But honestly, I don't have the time or the patience to sink into the anxiety so I've taken some long needed steps to deal with it. One of which is medication. I have always gone back and forth, but honestly the medication has done wonders and I'm kind of in love with my crazy pills.
Value my relationships. I know no one's ever said this before, but when you have a child you have to work extra hard in your marriage! It's hard at the end of the day to spend time together when we've been so busy and all we want to do is catch up on our own stuff and go to bed. But it's worth it, and just that little bit of effort goes a long way. In addition to working on my marriage, it's also important to me that I work on my friendships. I don't live in the same town as my friends and we don't talk a whole lot, but they mean the world to me. Hopefully they don't mind chatting on the phone while I'm also baby wrangling :)
Anniversary brunch (January 5) at New World Cafe with my two cuties. |
Me. |
Fantastic all day breakfast. |
There was plenty of space and lots of natural light! |
Stay involved with the First Book Advisory Board and The Poets Studio. I've finally found a volunteer postion and a place to work on my poetry. I tend to overbudren myself with projects and commitments; so now that I've found two things that make me fulfilled (outside of motherhood) I don't want to add anymore. I'm at the point now where I can really carve out some writing time and volunteer for something I believe in.
Continue to enjoy being a stay-at-home mom. I'm realizing how fast time flies and that I will absolutely look back with affection on these years when I got to be with Seeley all day. Even though I still stammer and feel strange when people ask where I work and am often freaking out about how I'll get a job in four years, being with my girl really is the best. I just have to trust that the right doors will open at the right time career wise (eek!).