Monday, June 23, 2014

Poetry Update

Last night before I went to bed I checked my email and saw that I had an email from a literature journal that decided to publish one of my poems! I work a lot on my writing and it's a passion that I plan to pursue for years to come. Currently I'm getting my poems together in a manuscript, so hopefully soon I'll have a book of poems published! I've had five or six poems published in poetry or literature journals, and I've often been asked how to view the poems or at least the journals they are in. So, I've made a list of links below! Most of my poems will be published late this summer or in the fall, but at least this way everyone can see the type of journals that are publishing my work. Thanks for all the support!

Mused: The BellaOnline Literary Review

Torrid Literature Journal

Clockwise Cat

Westward Quarterly

Stone Highway Review

Monday, June 16, 2014

To My Husband on Fathers Day

Happy (belated) Fathers Day! We had a great weekend relaxing, laughing, watching basketball and spending time together. I hope Wes felt loved and appreciated on his special day. Wes really is an amazing father. I always knew he would be even in the beginning of our relationship.
A huge thing that makes Wes a great father is that he's a great husband. I don't want to judge anyone else's relationship or parenting arrangement, but I've too often seen husbands that leave the majority of parenting to their wives. Parenting is hard, and everyone needs a break. It hurts my heart to see a tired women wrangling her kids from sun up to sun down while the man essentially does is own thing. And the kids! They feel that alienation from their father. Luckily Wes knows me and knows that I expect nothing less than an egalitarian marriage and parenting arrangement. I may be a stay-at-home mom, but we both realize the importance of parenting together.
The best time of day is when Wes gets home from work. Wes and Seeley are off and playing. He loves that girl so much and she's crazy about him. They wrestle, read, have tea parties, the works. I am the luckiest women in the world to have this man in my life.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Jumping Back In

Wow! From March until June; where have I been?! We've been one busy and happy trio and I've been one busy mama! I love having this blog and I love all the feedback I get from friends and family. All three of us can feel your love! I think I needed to step away from the blog for a bit so it didn't feel like an obligation or a chore. I also think I needed time to focus on what I wanted to say on here, what I wanted this blog to be about. It's really cathartic for me to write here. I don't have a community of mom friends (other than my online pals and my one mama friend), so it's nice to just talk about Seeley and motherhood to my hearts content.
So I'm back from my break from the blog. As always, I have a lot to share and can't wait to get started. So let's do it! This weekend we went to the Portland Farmers Market downtown and caught the last bit of the Rose Parade. Seeley was most excited about playing in the fountain and wading pool in the center of downtown. She was in heaven with her three favorite things: water, running and other kids! She sure is a riot:)