Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weekend Pics!

What a productive weekend! We went to the super-fancy, list only Nike employee store to take advantage of the 50% discount, went to IKEA to get some stuff for our house, did a ridiculously large amount of laundry and got out to enjoy the insanely warm, sunny Sunday weather.  Wes also brewed his first batch of beer! Our apartment smelled like yummy hops, then smelled like an entire brewery was crammed into our rather small apartment. That smelled...interesting. We had a great weekend and hope you did to!
Deedle wanted nothing to do with the weekend.


New container for Seeley's friends.

Fancy pillows.
That baby.

Out and about on a perfect day!

1 comment:

  1. That's so funny! I dragged Cam up to Canada to go to IKEA (I'd never been) and we got home last night just in time to keg his holy-moly-most-delicious honey crisp apple cider. Don't know if I told you but he brews beer like a maniac. We have a porter and two ciders right now with a lager on the way! And, of course, we have a kegarator in the dinning room, easy access, yes please. It's almost as if we did hang out!
    Your place looks lovely by the way. Good pillow choices.
