Monday, September 24, 2012


Whoops! How did a whole week go by and I didn't write one word on the old blog?! It was a somewhat busy week, but I guess I've just been absorbed with this and that. The fall is finally here and we're loving it. Of course, we are also all a little sniffly (is it bad that we discovered baby cold medicine and that I'm maybe exaggerating Seeley's cold so we can use it to knock her out?) I've been quite busy starting several projects and activities that I'm really excited about.

Since I quite working (but plan to resume a career of teaching and writing) I've been really eager to stay involved with the world of education. Recently, I came across the ASPIRE program and decided to get involved. It's very similar to the Upward Bound program I grew up with and worked for in Montana. So last week I began training to become a volunteer advisor. The plan is to meet with three students one day a week and help them plan and prepare for college. Should be fun.

My other great passion is writing poetry and I've recently joined The Poets Studio at The Attic. I love it so far. I had to send work in and get accepted into the class and I'm so happy I did because the work of the other poets is fantastic and will keep me on my game. I definitely need a workshop environment to force me to find the time to write.

Other than that, I've been scrapbooking and reading. Scrapbooking sounds like such a mom thing to do, but it's awesome. I have about 2,000 pictures of Seeley so I have to put them somewhere! Sooooo, this post is all about me, but I figured there's only so much people want to hear about Seeley crawling and knocking things over and such :)

Wonderful poems by the new Poet Laureate Natasha Trethway. She is amazing at interweaving the autobiographical with the historical. Seriously worth checking her out.

 Another great writer, Joyce Johnson, recounts in her memoir her time with Jack Kerouac and other Beat writers and the sexism that often inhibited women Beat artists from being recognized.

"Storytime" at the library for one and two year olds. Basically, it's a big room full of bubbles and toys. Seeley loved it!

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