Monday, October 29, 2012

Music, Pea Soup, and Structure on a Rainy Day

Oh, lovely Portland. We had been enjoying so much daily outdoor time that I almost forgot that there is a rainy season here in which it rains all. the. time. All day, every day. Sometimes it's pouring, sometimes it drizzling. It's always annoying. And we have officially entered it. So we've been stuck inside. And I've officially decided we cannot be stuck inside! Seeley has been going banannas. Her development is growing by leaps and bounds. She toddles all over the place, has a seemingly inhuman ability to get to things no matter how high I place them, and her new favorite thing is picking up everything and dropping it to see if it bounces. I'm really feeling the pressure to step up my stay-at-home mom game to keep this active girl busy. I think I'm doing a pretty good job. We read all the time, we practically live at the library and the park, and she is quite the social baby during our playgroup outings. It's just crazy to see her developing and know that we are responsible for shaping this perfect little mind!

Anyways, it's raining, we're bored and there's a lot of Seseame Street happening at the Dickinson-Joscelyn house. There's also a lot of dancing to "Ziggy Marley Family Time"; the c.d. I bought Seeley for her birthday. It's perfect because she's not hold enough to know what a horrific dancer I am ;) Lastly, we made pea soup today and it was fantastic. So wish us luck on finding more rainy day activities!
We got to the park as soon as the rain let up today. This girl loves her swings!
Nothing like pea soup on a rainy day:)

Recipe from the classic Moosewood Cookbook.

My helper. She mostly just threw Cheerios on the floor.

Mmmm. Onions, celery, carrots, potatoes, garlic and more!

I have enough recipes to last a lifetime!!

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