Ahh! Here's your Halloween scare. I only got stretchmarks on my left side. |
Thank you body! Look what you gave me! |
Love. |
Wes and I were getting ready for bed the other night when Wes said, "hey look, your stretch marks are already getting lighter." Instead of being excited and happy about this observation, I almost felt sad. I went through half of my pregnancy with no stretch marks. Slowly but surely, however, they arrived. I hated them. I wanted to minimize them. I covered myself in lotion and stretch mark cream daily (I still do just to keep my skin moisterized and minimize the marks). Along with gaining weight, standing by helplessly while your body stretches and stretches can be frustrating. You're so happy your baby is growing, but do you have to
completely give your body over?
Cut to baby's arrival. I thought I would be working to get my pre-baby body back the second I was able to. But I'm not. Giving birth and being able to reflect on my pregnancy has changed the way I view my body. It's hard to give up things you didn't plan on giving up, but my pre-baby body is gone. And that's okay. My stretch marks are proof of what I did. It almost feels disrespectful not to appreciate them. How can we witness our body doing the amazing work of growing a child and not expect any evidence of it?
I hope my stretch marks lighten up a bit because right now they look like little bruises. I hope I lose the last 25 pounds I need to get back to my pre-baby weight. I also hope I will always be able to see my stretch marks when I look on my left side. I hope my belly stays a little soft. My body showed me how amazing it is, and I will always be thankful.
T, she is so adorable it is painful. Your body is beautiful and you are a great and wonderful mommy. I can't wait to meet her and hug you all so tight. Please keep up the writing, it gets me through Friday mornings and always puts a happy spin on my day. (And you know, because you're pretty amazing at it too.)