(note: before you start reading I wanted to say thanks for putting up with all the changes I've made to the blog. I'm trying to update and I promise it will be consistent soon.)
It's 97 degrees outside right now, and in our third floor apartment it feels like it's twice that. Welcome to July! If we didn't have any motivation to get out of the house before we sure do now! As a stay-at-home parent actually not staying at home is a big deal. Staying inside all day with a toddler will drive you crazy, but we all have days where we just want to stay in our pjs and watch movies. I'm quite a type-A, neurotic person and I put a lot of pressure on myself to be "productive" and live up to my unrealistic expectations. I've had times where I just didn't want to interact with anyone. I just wanted to stay home, read, listen to music and take it easy. I used to feel like that was selfish. But our children don't call the shots or make the decisions. We do. It's such a balancing act, isn't it? I've been thinking about this a lot the past couple days as our schedule gets more and more packed with playdates, park time, and more and more Seeley-centric activities. Today we went to the pool (our place has an amazing pool. We're spoiled) and played with her best buddy, then later they came over for some playtime. Seeley had so much fun and as hot as it is today I didn't think twice about it. But I do need to remind myself that when I want to rest, I should rest. Tommorow we have another playdate at a waterpark with a new friend, but the schedule for Thursday is nothing, nothing and nothing!
As a parent, whether stay-at-home or otherwise, it's also important to balance getting out as adults with what Seeley can handle. We took a walk downtown on Saturday and decided to try eating at a restuarant. Both risky moves! We can't stop doing the things we love but we also get tired of walking around the place with Seeley over and over. But this time we gave it a go and things worked out great! I guess that shows that sometimes you just have to throw yourself out there and see what happens :)
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