Ugh. I'm grumpy and worn out. Last weekend Seeley contracted Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. Yikes! It's going around Portland like crazy, and since we live at the park, there ya go. She broke out in a horrible fever which broke our hearts. There is nothing worse than having a sick child and not being able to do much to help them. Luckily, her fever broke and she didn't contract the rash that usually comes along with HFM.
Cut to now and why I'm having a hard time. Seeley seems to be more or less fine. But she's contagious. So I've been keeping her inside all week. Trying to keep this girl in the house all day is like trying to contain a tornado. She keeps dragging me to the door saying, "We go outside? We go to the park? We go swimming?" Everything I start doing she wants me to stop doing. We're watching too much t.v. I'm feeling guilty because she wants my attention every second and I'm tired and short-tempered. This is hard. I want to leave the house too, but I'm not going to be one of those parents who take their sick kids out and expose them to other kids. Also, Seeley and Wes are going to Idaho for the weekend and I want her to be 100 percent.
Did I mention that I'm sick also? Yeah, fun times around here. Just taking it hour by hour and trying to find inside things to do that aren't watching the same three movies over and over.
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