Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Poem

I haven't been blogging much because we've been sleep training Seeley and I've been trying to stay super active during the day so S will (pleeeeease) fall asleep in the crib (hasn't been happening) which turns me into a puddle of goo around nine 'o clock. Suprisingly, though, I have been working on my poetry. So, before I go collapse into bed, here's a little poem I wrote today:


I noticed it, suddenly complete,
in the light above my front door.
an ugly patchwork nest
tight and grey
suspended above a ring of bright shit.

I was told the nest cannot be removed
because there are eggs in there
and those swallows are endangered.
How can these little arrows
adaptable, confrontational, type-A avains,
be on the brink of non-existence?

Mother and father sparrow
swoop and dive
at the predators climbing up and down the stairs.
It works.
I hunch and bow to them and their kin,
three babies the color of steel and cement.
The cat slinks away hungry.

The bird family trills
echoing through the portico
lessons in fragility.

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