Friday, February 21, 2014

We Love the Library! (video)

There's nothing like a library on a cold and rainy day. There are tons of cozy places to explore, kids to meet, quiet games to play and books, books, books! And did I mention that this library has three floors? That means stairs! Anyone who knows Seeley knows she loves to go up and down (and up and down) any and all stairs. Our library also has a huge duck pond and walking path behind it, so we always bring some bread to feed the ducks. Have a great weekend!



IMG 7321[1] from tanya dickinson on Vimeo.

IMG 7320[1] from tanya dickinson on Vimeo.

Monday, February 17, 2014

My Husband

This weekend Wes and I decided to have a little valentine's date without the little one. Seeley got to play with her great uncle John and aunt Shanti (those three are great together ;)) while Wes and I got to spend some quality time together! It's easy to put romance on the back burner when you have work, kids, bills, chores, etc. to worry about. Not to mention when you've been with someone over eight years. But it is important to always work on your relationship, and Wes and I were way overdue for a date. I must say, Wes is such a sweet, handsome and loving guy. He told me how pretty I looked every five minutes, he had his arm around me all night, and we laughed like we did when we first started dating. He definitely has my heart.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Around These Parts

Happy February! Seeley and I were stuck inside all of last week with colds, and let me tell you, it was the longest week EVER! It wasn't so bad when S was sick because I could just give her lots of cuddles and let her take it easy. The hard part came when Seeley got better and I became sick! All I wanted to do was climb into bed but Seeley wanted to jump and climb and play and do everything right now! On Thursday the cabin fever was getting to me so we went to our favorite community center to get some energy out. Seeley and I love that place. So, now we're finally better and ready to find something to do in this cold weather. Is it spring yet?