Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Back to Work???

Sometimes I look for jobs on the internet. I like to see what's out there, and most the time I see that I'm not missing much. A couple weeks ago, however, I found the. perfect. job. Part time, at a local college, providing academic support to students. And I really wanted it. Wes and I agreed before Seeley was born that if I came across a job opportunity that fits my career goals, I should go for it. When Seeley was born though that idea kind of slipped out of my mind. Even though being home with an infant was really tedious and demanding and tiresome and often boring I really wanted to be Seeley's primary caretaker. I don't judge mother's who go back to work right away. If anything, having a child has taught me that there are a million ways to parent and each individual knows what's best for them. For me, being a stay-at-home mom felt like the right thing for us. I got to witness moments that will never happen again. Me staying home took a lot of pressure of off our daily schedules, it opened up time to travel, and on and on.

But now she's almost two. And to be honest, I don't really feel the need to be a full-time SAHM anymore. Seeley is getting so independent. She loves to engage with other kids and explore the world. I feel like she needs more than just me and her everyday. I'm so grateful I've been home so far because we established a great foundation of love and trust and I know she feels safe and happy. And now she's ready to go out into the world without us just a little bit. And I do mean just a little bit. I don't want to work full time for a long while. The job I saw online was perfect because it's only 15 hours a week. And that's all I want until she starts school. I know we're ready because I used to imagine her in daycare and I didn't feel comfortable. Now I just think of all the fun she'd have!!!!

So I applied for the job. And the idea of looking for a part-time job is on the table. But I have specifications. We'd only like to have Seeley in daycare about two days a week, which means that any position I find should be about 15-20 hours a week. I also want to stick to jobs that will further my profession; if I'm going to leave Seeley it's got to be worth it!! So, I'm kind of on the hunt for a job. There's no rush, though. If I find something that looks good I'm applying. Otherwise, I'll be here with my girl :)

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