Monday, November 7, 2011

Last Fall Walk and Winter Reading

Looks like fall, feels like winter

Checking on Seeley. Good papa :)

Wes and I bundled up yesterday to enjoy the last of the fall leaves and sunshine before winter comes and Portland turns gray and rainy. It still looks like fall outside, but it is coooold and my mind is turning towards all things winter.
I love to read and winter is the time when I like to tackle my growing reading list. Here's my book list for winter 2011/2012!

The White Album by Joan Didion
Joan Didion is an amazing author with a unique writing style. I love nonfiction and Didion, in my opinion is one of the most talented essayists alive today. The White Album is a book of essays about Didion's life in Los Angeles and politics in the 1970s.

The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman
This historical novel about ancient Judaism looks amazing. Dovekeepers takes place 2,000 years ago in 70 C.E. when 900 Jews took refuge from the Romans in the mountain fortress called the Masada. Out of 900 people, only two women and five children survived. Hoffman imagines the story of how those seven survived.

The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry
I've been reading this giant anthology for a while. It's important to me as a writer to understand the classics and standards of poetry. When I have a moment to focus, I enjoy picking this up.

1 comment:

  1. I have been to the Masada, stood on top and watched the sun rise over the dead sea. It was a bucket list item of mine. I've seen the dove coves and the camps of the Romans. I'll send you pictures when you start reading!
