Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sleeping (or not) With a Newborn

7am, on four hours of sleep. The robe and bedhead will stay until this afternoon!

Where would I be without you?
Contrary to the belief that you will get "no sleep" when you have a baby, Wes and I have been getting a fair amount of rest. Seeley usually goes to sleep around 9:30pm (that might be too late for a seven week old, but it works for Seeley which means it works for us) and gets up twice around 3am and 6am to be fed and changed and sleeps a little more until around 9:30 am. So, if we go to bed at 10:30 we'll get about six hours of sleep. Not bad! Last night however...

Baby slept soundly 'till 2:30am (yay!)

Then she woke up to eat. We're all set up and ready to go but now she's falling asleep instead of eating but making hungry signals when I start to set her down.

We spend half hour doing the "you're-hungry-so-why-aren't-you-eating" dance

From 3:00 am on baby is awake. Her eyes are closed but she's squirming and making snorting, cooing noises. For hours. Dad manages to sleep through all of this until I wake him up for no reason other than to be awake with me (sorry Wes:)).

So now I'm awake with my coffee, delirious, walking into rooms and not remembering why I'm there. And Seeley is fast asleep.

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